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Resultados de su búsqueda "Dieting To Lose Weight".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 49

Folks using a weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy or Zepbound still have nutritional requirements for good health, even if they're eating less.

A new set of nutritional recommendations are expected to h...

In a small pilot study, some young women looking to lose weight on a low-calorie keto diet got an unexpected benefit: Their acne began to clear up.

"These findings represent an opportunity to control a skin disease that affects most teenagers and many adults at some point in their lifetimes, causing distress, embarrassment, anxiety and low self-confidence among sufferers, robbing them of ...

A competitive game with a potential cash reward appeared to help overweight British men lose weight, researchers report.

The incentive was winning the "Game of Stones" -- a stone is a British measurement of body weight equal to 14 pounds -- and pocketing the equivalent of just over $500 in American dollars if the man achieved weight-loss goals.

Weight loss was more successful among ...

The right diet may be the best medicine for easing the painful symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), new research shows.

In the study, two different eating plans beat standard medications in treating the debilitating symptoms of the gastrointestinal disease. One diet was low in "FODMAPs,"a group of sugars and carbohydrates found in dairy, wheat and certain fruits and vegetables, wh...

Patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder tend to see their conditions ease after four months on the ketogenic ("keto") diet, a small pilot study finds.

While no one is saying the diet should replace standard medications, the researchers believe it could provide additional help for some.

"It's very promising and very encouraging that you can take back control of your illness ...

Many swear that trendy fasting diets are keeping them slimmer and healthier.

They may now have some science to back that up.

British researchers at the University of Cambridge believe they've uncovered the processes that cause fasting to lower bodily inflammation.

Long hours without eating appears to trigger a rise in a blood chemical called arachidonic acid, which has anti-in...

It's not easy to lose weight, especially when facing a world filled with the temptation of tasty treats and rich, delicious meals.

But being kind to yourself can make the difference when it comes to sticking to a diet, a new study reports.

Dieters who practice self-compassion -- showing themselves the same care and kindness they'd show loved ones -- are better able to get past an ov...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating reports of additional dangers linked to several wildly popular weight-loss drugs.

In a quarterly report...

THURSDAY, Nov. 23, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday eating season, when everyone is constantly tempted by sweet treats, rich foods and fancy, high-calorie drinks.

But before diving into decadent eating, consider trying to make healthy food choices during the festivities, one expert suggests.

"The holidays are a time for celebration and social gath...

It's common to find yourself stuffed at some point during Thanksgiving Day festivities, but experts say staying active can help you burn some calories and feel a little less sluggish after the big meal.

Kicking off Thanksgiving Day by participating in a community event like a Turkey Trot can help prepare you for the feast to come,

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 23, 2023
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  • Time-restricted dieting may be a better way for people with type 2 diabetes to lose weight than counting calories, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that people who only ate between noon and 8 p.m. each day lost more weight than those who reduced their calories by 25%. Both groups, however, had similar reductions in long-term blood sugar levels based on a test of hemoglobin A1C. The...

    Fighting climate change could come down to choosing chicken for your burrito or using soy milk for coffee creamer, a new study suggests.

    Making simple substitutions to an everyday diet can reduce the average American's food-based carbon footprint by more than 35%, according to an article published online Oct. 26 in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 26, 2023
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  • Rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins, a Mediterranean style of eating consistently earns accolades for its long list of health benefits, including the prevention of heart disease and diabetes.

    Now, new research from Spain shows this way of eating, when combined with regular exercise and fewer calories, can slash dangerous belly fat in older folks while he...

    When it comes to the array of different microorganisms found in the human gut, more is better: A more diverse microbiome is a healthier microbiome.

    Now, initial results of a small, ongoing study suggests that weight loss through either intermittent fasting or a calorie-restricted diet can improve that diversity.

    After tracking calorie-control dieters and intermittent fasters for thr...

    Water fasting has become one of the trendiest new weight-loss sensations, touted by former athletes and wellness gurus.

    But whatever weight is lost during a water fast can come back quickly, while other health benefits fade fast, according to a

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 12, 2023
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  • A trendy form of intermittent fasting does seem to help people lose some weight -- though it may be no better than old-fashioned calorie counting, a new clinical trial suggests.

    Researchers found that the tactic -- called time-restricted eating -- helped people with obesity drop around 8 pounds, on average, over one year. That was right on par with a second study group who went the tradit...

    Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to its laundry list of potential health benefits -- from weight loss to longevity.

    Now, new research suggests that it may beat low-calorie diets when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes in high-risk people.

    Folks who only ate between 8 a.m. and noon for three days a week and ate normally for the other four days showed greater improvements ...

    People at risk of heart disease could extend their lives by going Mediterranean or low-fat, according to a new analysis of popular diets.

    In the world of nutrition and disease, dietary fat is an often confusing subject. And in general, experts say, recent years have seen a move away from prescribing a strict amount of dietary fat, and more focus on the source of that fat: Is it from heal...

    When it comes to picking the best exercise to lose weight, there is no one right answer.

    That's because the right answer is variety, mixing and matching types of exercise to keep the body guessing and improving.

    "The body adapts to the demands we put on it," said

    When it comes to weight loss, what seems to matter most is how often and how much you eat, rather than when you eat.

    That's the conclusion of a new study that focused on the eating habits of about 550 adults.

    For six months, all were asked to use a phone app to report both the timing and size of all their meals.

    "What we found is that, on average, the more meals people ate t...

    A common eating plan with a catchy acronym -- the DASH diet -- is designed to help you lower your blood pressure, but exactly what can you eat while on it?

    The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet has been around for almost 25 years and it's still one of the top diets recommended for overall good health and heart disease prevention.

    One recent study of the DASH diet...

    So, after a month of holiday eating, your pants are too tight and you're desperate to lose the extra weight as quickly as possible, but how much can you lose in a month?

    Experts say there is no speedy way to shed pounds.

    How long does it take to lose weight? According to the

  • Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 12, 2023
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  • When it comes to losing weight, certain foods have a reputation for being all-stars, providing for a body's nutritional needs while helping keep a person fuller for longer.

    "You're looking at plant foods,"said Connie Diekman, a nationally known food and nutrition consultant and former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Die...

    Losing weight is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions -- possibly to give yourself an excuse for some New Year's Eve overindulgence.

    "I'm going to cram it all in tonight, so tomorrow I start afresh," jokes registered dietitian Connie Diekman, a nationally known food and nutrition consultant.

    But those waking up ble...

    Money may not buy happiness, but it might give low-income obese people an extra incentive to lose weight, a new study suggests.

    The study, of people from urban neighborhoods, found that cash rewards encouraged participants to shed some extra pounds, versus a weight-loss program with no financial bonuses.

    And the effects were similar whether people were rewarded for reaching the...

    People trying to adopt a healthier diet probably aren't the best judges of how well they're actually eating, a new study discovers.

    Only about 1 in 4 people could accurately estimate how healthy...

    Intermittent fasting has taken off as a way to lose weight without having to limit types of a food a person eats.

    But there was little research on how eating only during a few hours of the day and then only drinking water might affect female reproductive hormones.

    A new study shows that while hormon...

    Your fondness for midnight snacks has caused you to pack on the pounds over the years, and now researchers have a better understanding of why.

    While late-night eating has long been linked with an increased risk for obesity, researchers weren't sure exactly how it caused weight gain until now.

    "When meals are delayed by four hours and everything else stays the same, you burn fewer ca...

    "Time-restricted" eating is a popular way to lose weight, and a new study suggests it can offer shift-workers a way to eat more healthfully.

    Time-restricted eating is a form of intermittent fasting, where people limit themselves to eating within...

    Losing excess weight may not only help prevent knee arthritis, but also slow its progression in people who already have the condition, a recent study suggests.

    Researchers found that among over 9,000 middle-aged and older adults, those who managed to shed some extra weight benefited their knees in two ways...

    Dieters who believe that eating a big breakfast followed by a small dinner is the surest way to lose weight will likely be very disappointed by the findings of a new, small study.

    What did the researchers discover? Eating the largest meal early in the day is unlikely to make any difference.

    "The notion of timing of eating to influence health has been around for a long time,"said stu...

    "You can't run from the fork."

    It's an old weight-loss saying, reminding folks that diet is more important than exercise when it comes to shedding excess pounds.

    But is that true for everyone?

    New research suggests there's a category of "diet-resistant" people who need to work out and watch what they eat if they want to shed pounds.

    In fact, these folks should ...

    Intermittent fasting might help people with type 2 diabetes better control their blood sugar levels, a new study has found.

    People with diabetes who restricted their eating to within a daily 10-hour window wound up with blood sugar levels in the normal range for about three hours longer than when they ate whenever they pleased, the researchers reported.

    These patients also experien...

    A fasting diet might be the ticket to avoiding a COVID-19 hospitalization, a new study suggests.

    Researchers at Intermountain Healthcare in Utah found that people who had practiced water-only intermittent fasting for decades were less likely to experience severe complications as a result of a COVID infection.

    "Intermittent fasting has already been shown to lower inflammation and i...

    "Time-restricted" eating has become a popular weight-loss tactic, but a new clinical trial finds no benefits in adding it to old-fashioned calorie-cutting.

    Time-restricted eating is a form of intermittent fasting, in which people limit themselves to eating within a certai...

    It takes a lot of will to successfully lose weight, but a new research review suggests that "motivational" conversations with a health provider may make little difference.

    The review looked at studies that tested the effects of

    "Sugar-free" might sound healthy, but a new study hints that people who consume a lot of artificial sweeteners may face a slightly higher cancer risk.

    Experts stressed that the findings do not prove sugar substitutes are th...

    Just a slight reduction in your calorie intake could give you more and healthier years of life, researchers say.

    They also pinpointed a protein that plays a key role in the beneficial effects of reduced calorie intake, and said it may be possible to manipulate it to improve h...

    It's clear that these last couple of years have been tough for a lot of people.

    So now that it's the week when people make New Year's resolutions, go easy on yourself.

    If you'd like to make a resolution, start small, the American Psychological Association (APA) suggests. By small, the goal should be one you think you can keep.

    For example, if you want to eat healthier, don'...

    Red-meat lovers may raise their risk of heart disease through a chain of events that plays out in the gut, a new study suggests.

    Many studies over the years have tied diets heavy in red and processed meats to a heightened risk of heart disease and stroke. That type of evidence does not, however, prove red meat is the problem -- or, if it is, why.

    The new findings offer more clues ab...

    Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to its potential health benefits, and now a new review shows this style of eating really does produce weight loss and may even improve certain markers of heart health.

    Intermittent fasting is an umbrella ...

    Americans in the prime of their lives are worried about the pounds they packed on during the pandemic and plan to do something about it in the new year, a new Harris Poll/HealthDay survey finds.

    Nearly 2 of every 3 U.S. adults (63%) plan to change up their diet in 2022, either by eating less or cutting back on specific foods, poll results reveal.

    Adults between the ages of ...

    A new study is highlighting yet another consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic: It has likely made it even harder for kids with obesity to manage their weight.

    The findings, researchers said, are no surprise. Many adults, faced with normal life being upended during the pandemic, have seen changes on the bath...

    Trying to slim down? Diet drinks aren't likely to help, researchers warn.

    And those containing the artificial sweetener sucralose may even increase food cravings and appetite in women and people who are obese, according to a University of Southern California study.


    The MIND diet may help older people ward off Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds.

    Developed by the late Martha Clare Morris, who was a Rush University nutritional epidemiologist, and her colleagues, the MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets.

    People in the study who followed the MIND diet even later in life did not develop thinking problems, researchers say.

    In terms of healthy eating, timing is everything.

    That's the word from researchers who claim the time of day that you eat may be just as important for your health as what you eat.

    Having your meals in a consistent window of 8 to 10 hours may help prevent and manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, according to the authors of a new study published online Sept. 22...

    People with high blood pressure that doesn't respond to treatment may have more success by following the DASH diet and joining a supervised diet and exercise program, a new study suggests.

    DASH is short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension -- a regimen rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and limited salt.

    Duke University researchers found it can help people wit...

    Heart attack survivors could gain more than seven healthy years of life if they take the right medications and improve their lifestyle, new research estimates.

    Unfortunately, studies have found, heart attack survivors rarely get optimal control over their risk factors.

    The new research echoes that evidence: Of more than 3,200 patients, only 2% had their blood pressure, cholesterol a...